Vacuum Pump Services
Vacuum Pump Services
Vacuum Pump Repair, Reconditioning, and Service
- Stokes microvac line of rotary pumps – Model 212J, 412J and more
- Roots type booster blowers: Stokes 615 and 622 and more
- Rotary vane pumps – Alcatel, Edwards, Varian, etc.
- Kinney piston pumps, Aerzen boosters, Sogevac pumps
- Oil vapor diffusion pumps
Onsite Services:
- Vacuum pump repairs and rebuilds
- Troubleshooting and preventive maintenance
- Oil changes
- Helium mass spectrometer leak checking services
- Onsite consultation
Onsite Training:
- Troubleshooting vacuum and pumping systems
- Leak checking
- Furnace operation
- Preventive maintenance
- Vacuum pump maintenance and performance